Friday, January 12, 2007

Love – Bible Definition

1 Cor 13:4 - 7

Love suffereth long. Endures slights and wrongs patiently and long, and returns a kindly spirit. It is "slow to anger" (Psalm 103:8). Christ, "when he was reviled, reviled not again" (1 Peter 2:23). "The fruit of the Spirit is long-suffering"

Love envieth not. How miserable is that person which is made unhappy by the good fortune of another. Cain is an example.

Vaunteth not itself. Does not boast of superiority, nor is it inflated.

Does not behave itself unseemly. Discourteously and in a way to shock good manners or morals.

Seeketh not her own. Is unselfish and actively shares of what they have.

Is not provoked. Does not fly into a rage, but keeps the temper under control.

Thinketh no evil. The idea is that love does not keep a record of evil rendered so as to return it

Rejoiceth not in iniquity. Instead of rejoicing, is filled with sadness by wrong doing of any kind, but does Rejoice with the truth in its triumphs

Beareth all things. Bears up in spite of all things evil, and is not overcome.

Believeth all things. Is not distrustful and suspicious.

Hopeth all things. Is hopeful instead of despondent, and hopes for the best.

Endureth all things. Endures patiently persecution and suffering.

Love never faileth. It is eternal and imperishable.

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