Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Law of Life

"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death" (Rom. 8:2 KJV).

Have you ever heard the saying, "Everything happens for a reason"? Well, yes, that's true, everything does happen for a reason, but let me put it to you another way. Everything happens because of spiritual laws. So understand this: spiritual laws - which are the law of life and the law of death, govern everything in the earth.

The question is which law are you operating under? Is it life or death?

You see, functioning under the law of life is to follow Jesus and act on the Word of God. This releases His power through your faith in His word. In other words, your faith is released by speaking His Word and then acting on His Word.

On the contrary, operating under the law of death is to follow the flesh and function in sin. This gives Satan access to do everything he can to steal from you, kill, and destroy you.

Unfortunately, most of us are more developed in functioning under the law of death. It's easier for us to believe the death side rather than the life side. The reason for that is because of what we've been hearing all of these years. And until we have learned better, we have been talking it, speaking it, and acting like it was the way to live.

That's why we have to spend time in the Word of God and develop our faith in God's Word every day. God's Word will help you rebuke the devil and get rid of that fear. God has redeemed you from the curse of the law; so you don't have to be in slavery to fear anymore.

Now make a decision to never allow fear to dominate your life. Know that you are the redeemed of the Lord. So let the redeemed of the Lord say so. You are redeemed from the law of sin and death. You are redeemed from the hand of the enemy. You are redeemed and God has made you His son or His daughter.

So speak it out every day. Tell fear to go. It has no place in your life. Say, "I will not fear any man. I will not fear any situation, for I am a son or a daughter of God. God is with me always, in every situation and in every circumstance. I know it will be all right because the anointed One, Jesus Christ, is on my side."

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