Faith And Patience Required
Heb. 6:12 "...Be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises."
To have patience means to have fortitude, strength, courage and staying power. Patience is the ability to stay focused over a long haul, not being discouraged just because there is a time of discomfort to our flesh and soul.
The Message Bible says: "Don't drag your feet. Be like those who stay the course with committed faith and then get everything promised to them."
Have absolute trust and confidence in God's power to perform His promises and practice patient endurance, waiting in faith for the fulfillment of the Word in your life. That is how all the heroes of the faith inherited the things God had promised to them.
Consider Moses, Joshua, David, Daniel, and the other prophets. They went through a lot of struggles, but they didn't waver in their trust of God. They knew He would see them through and give them the reward of their patient service.
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