Mighty Man of Valor
Daniel was a man of character. He wanted what God wanted. His life was a life of devotion to God. He fasted, he prayed and God heard his words. Daniel was man of character and a mighty man of valor.
The Bible talks much about mighty men of valor and men who had character and integrity. The Bible says that Daniel had an excellent spirit within him and because of this, he rose to a position of great leadership.
This is what God wants for men today. He wants Christian men to take their rightful place in their homes, in their community and in the church. He wants them to live by the same code of conduct that Daniel lived by.
With this in mind, let me ask you this question: Are mighty men of valor, are men of character, are men of integrity born or are they just regular men who've decided to live by the Word of God?
Even though there are those born with great talents, being a man of God is a choice. You can be a mighty man of valor. You can be a man of character and integrity like Daniel. The choice is yours.
When King David was running for his life, and was hiding in a cave, the Bible tells us that there were other men in the cave with him. They were misfits and malcontents and they were greatly in debt. It looked like David was surrounded with a group of losers.
However, these same men believed David as he followed God and became his mighty men of valor. The Bible tells us that there were none like them and they were mighty in battle.
So I challenge you today, let go of the things of the world and grab hold of the things of God. Walk in character and integrity and be all that you can be, a mighty man of valor.
"Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm" (Dan. 6:3).
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