The Elements of the Lord's Prayer
Jesus gives us this blue print of how we should pray: Luke 11:1-2
Our Father (the Personage of God) which art in Heaven (the Position of God) Defines our Relationship with God and our Recognition of who he is.
Hallowed be thy name - Defines our Adoration (Praise) of God, we should adore his Holy name.
Thy kingdom come - Defines our Anticipation (Gods Purpose) of the coming of his kingdom to earth.
Thy will be done - Defines our Consecration by God through his word.
In earth as it is in Heaven - Defines the Conformity of earth to that of Heaven.
Give us this day - Defines our need to make our Supplications known to God.
Our daily bread - Defines our need to seek God daily for our Necessity (Necessities).
And forgive us - Defines our Penitence before God ( our need to Repent).
Our debts - Reminds us of our Obligations to God.
As we forgive - Defines our need to Forgive(Forgiveness) that we might be forgiven.
Our debtors - Defines our need to show Love and Mercy to our fellow man.
And lead us - Defines our need for Guidance from God (let God direct you path).
Not into temptation - Defines our need for God's Protection (our Strength is in the Lord).
But deliver us from evil - Defines our need for Salvation and Righteousness
(only Jesus can deliver us and give us a right standing with God).
For thine is the Kingdom - Defines God's Lordship (Jesus is lord of heaven and earth).
And the Power - Defines our Humility towards God (all power in his hands).
And the Glory - Defines our Reverence for God ( Lord we reverence you holy name).
For ever Amen - Defines our Affirmation of our Prayer
(I affirm this prayer to be true in my life).
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