Thursday, October 05, 2006

Movie: Day after Tomorrow and the Gospel

Movie: In this movie I saw a young man who found himself separated from his father and in jeopardy of drowning in the waters of the ocean.

Just as I found myself separated from my father (Jesus) and in jeopardy of drowning in a sea of sin.

Movie: I watched as this young man called his father in his distress and his father answer wait for me I will come for you.

Just as one day I called on my father (Jesus) and he answered my prayer and saved me and said I will come for you.

Movie: I watched the young man as he attempted to convince others that his father would come and that he was able to save them

Just as I try each and everyday to convince the people I meet that my father (Jesus) is coming and that he is able to save them.

Movie: I watched as some of the people with him looked out of the library and saw that other people were attempting to saved themselves. Then made a decision not to wait for the young man's father but go there on way.

Just as I see people leaving the safety of the church because they look out and see what the world is doing and decide they can save themselves. These people do not believe my father (Jesus) is coming and they go their own way.

Movie: I watched as the young man pleaded with the people, telling them that his father had told him that If any leave that they would perish. Many left but a few stay behind with him.

Just as I plead with my brothers and sisters who have lost their way, telling them my father (Jesus) said that the wages of sin is death. A few find there way but many are lost.

Movie: I watched as the young man and the few who remained struggled to survive their environment while trying not to lose the hope that his father would come.

Just as I struggled to survive the environment of this world while trying not to lose my hope nor forsake sharing the hope that my father (Jesus) will come.

Movie: I watched as the day came when the father arrived as they sat in a darken room. As the light shined on the young man's father, someone asked who is it? The young man answered it's my father and they were all saved.

Just as I look forward to the day when my father (Jesus) arrives and I look up and say it's my father (Jesus) and we that believe will be saved. For the bibles says "Mat 4:16 - The people which sat in darkness saw great light"

Movie: Finally, I watched as the movie closed with those who were saved on this helicopter and one of the men was clutching a book. Someone noticed and asked what is that you have in your hand and the man answered the Gutenberg Bible (The Word of God) I had to saved it because it was the most important book in the library.

I found it ironic that a man who had previously in the movie indicated he had no belief in the God was placed in a position of having a desire to save the first book ever printed also had to carry the Word of God. 1Pe 1:25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever.

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